Thursday, December 6, 2018

How to Make the Vagina Fragrance

     Vaginal odor sometimes still appear despite frequent cleaning. Vagina usually caused by a combination smelling vaginal secretions, the apocrine sweat accrine, and external factors such as urine or feces.

The strong smell of the vagina can also be caused by infection or venereal disease such as excessive vaginal discharge. Material underwear that does not absorb sweat well and excessive use of soap can also trigger the appearance of vaginal odor.

     There are several causes of bad smell in the vagina which we must avoid. Bad smell in the vagina is usually caused by:

 - Hygiene and lifestyle is wrong,
- The use of pads or tampons that are too long, 
- The use of excessive vaginal soap, 
- Use underwear that does not absorb sweat.

To overcome the odor of the vagina. You can cope with the following natural ingredients:

Basil Leave
Basil leaves containing euganol capable, put germs and fungi that cause odor in the vagina. The content of essential oils in basil are also able to scent the vagina. However, basil leaves should not be used as soap rinsed directly in the vagina because it can make the vagina dry.To obtain optimal results basil leaves can be eaten immediately or processed into drinks. As a result of water treatment collision basil leaves can be consumed every day. Having seen the positive results, you can eat basil juice water every two weeks. However, basil is not recommended for people with gout because it can worsen the disease.

Pandan Leaves 

Pandan leaves also contain euganol and essential oils that can make the vagina becomes more fragrant. Pandan leaves should be processed into drinks to eliminate the odor in the vagina. Way, take 10 pieces of pandan leaves that have been washed and stacked until smooth. Strain the leaves that have been refined to take the juice. Mix a little salt and a teaspoon of honey to make it more enjoyable. Drink water pandan leaf extract every day before going to bed for two weeks. Once obtained the corresponding results, simply consumed 2-3 times a week. 

Aloe Vera 
The use of aloe vera to scent vagina should not be directly flushed into the sex organs as it can dry out the vagina. Aloe vera should be processed into drinks. How, mashed aloe vera that has been washed until smooth. Add a little honey to make it more delicious drink. Drink every day for 2 weeks before bedtime. If you have to get the desired results can be taken 2-3 times a week. 

Betel Leaf
Euganol betel leaves also contain useful and antiseptic to kill germs that cause odor in the vagina. Betel leaf processing into drugs in vaginal odor remover easily. You just boil 5-10 leaves in 350 cc of water and allow it to be divided in two. Then rinse the vagina with cooled boiled water betel leaves every morning and before bed. Do it three times a week to get a fragrant aroma vagina and not smell anymore.

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