Saturday, May 9, 2015

Food That Can Overcome High Stomach Acid

     Secrete gastric acid very important needed to help digest food during digestion. Well when the glands secrete gastric acid is in excess, it will lead to a condition called high stomach acid or dyspepsia; symptoms can begin from heartburn is accompanied by a burning sensation at the back of the chest, until he could develop into ulcers / ulcer. There's more some of the consequences that could be due to high stomach acid, which started quickly broken teeth, loss of appetite, to affect the lungs and cause shortness of breath - this is due to an excess of stomach acid up into the esophagus to the mouth, even into the lungs lungs. Causes excess stomach acid reaction can be caused by a variety of things, including alcoholic beverages, foods that are too spicy, the consumption of anti-inflammatory medications, and stress.
Good food to help address and prevent high stomach acid:Food
  1. Carrot and celery leaves can help control excess stomach acid sekeresi. In addition, celery also contains magnesium and iron. Vegetables such as carrots and beet root was also good to reduce stomach acid.
  2. Spices such as black cumin, coriander and cardamom can also be taken to help treat high stomach acid.
  3. A glass of cold milk can also help. Almonds are also a good remedy to relieve heartburn and stomach acid.
  4. Take a few leaves of mint, chopped and boiled with a cup of water and drink slowly after a meal.
  5. Eating a banana can also help prevent the symptoms of high stomach acid. Basil or basil may also help relieve symptoms such as hot stomach, nausea, and gas.
  6. Eating cucumber or watermelon is also useful to overcome the gastric acidity
  7. It is advised to drink 10-12 glasses of water every day, because the drinking water directly relieve symptoms such as gas and stomach acidity. Drink 1-2 glasses of warm water every morning to reduce gastric acid secretion.
  8. Eating foods that are diverse, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and protein such as lean meat, and eggs.
  9. Ginger is very good to overcome the problem of indigestion. Make a mixture consisting of powdered ginger, black pepper, dried mint leaves, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, cumin, and salt are crushed. Insert approximately 1 teaspoon of this powder with a glass of warm water and drink twice a day after meals.
  1. If you are often stressed, then you need to calm down. Doing yoga or activities that could reduce other stress would be very effective to overcome gastric acidity.
  2. When you feel the symptoms of stomach acid, remain upright. This means you can not lie down or sleep immediately after eating.
  3. Wear loose clothing, loose belts, loose stockings, or release any other thing that suppress stomach tight.
Which should be avoided:
  1. Spicy foods like chili and barbecue sauce made with chili.
  2. Fruit acids also need to be avoided, such as orange or mango sour crude because they are high in acid.
  3. High-fat dairy products such as sour cream, cheese or ice cream, as well as fatty foods like hamburgers or meat with fat, cheese, margarine, fried foods. Coffee, tea, chocolate and carbonated soft drinks should also be avoided. Carbonated beverages, cigarettes, alcohol, tea and coffee should be avoided as it stimulates the stomach and irritate.
  4. Peas, beans, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, and cabbage should also be avoided.
  5. Salad of raw vegetables such as onions, radishes, cabbage, and peppers.
  6. Foods with preservatives should be avoided because it can also irritate the esophagus due to stomach acid to rise.

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