Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bengkoang Benefits for Health

      Bengkoang or yam (Pachyrhizus erosus) known from tubers (cormus) white can be eaten as a salad and pickled component or used as a face mask to refresh and whiten skin. Plants originating from tropical America is included in the tribe of legumes or Fabaceae. In place of origin, this plant is known as Xicama or Jicama.

     Tubers contain sugar and starch as well as phosphorus and calcium. Bulbs also have a cooling effect because they contain 86-90% moisture content. The sweet taste comes from an oligosaccharide which is called inulin (not insulin), which the human body can not digest. This property is useful for diabetics or people who go on a diet low in calories.


1. Bengkoang can reduce the production of stomach acid 

 Bengkoang has alkaline properties that serve as cooling or absorbing stomach acid quickly.

2. Bengkoang well taken by people with diabetes / diabetesinulin 

Content contained in Bengkoang which makes Bengkoang sweet. Inulin is not digested by     enzymes in the human gut so as to maintain sugar levels in the body to remain normal even though 
it tasted sweet.

3. Bengkoang can facilitate digestion 

 Inulin in Bengkoang have dietary fiber properties, these properties affect bowel function and    
 improvement in blood parameters. So Bengkoang very well to facilitate digestion. 

4. Bengkoang can reduce the effects of menopause (wrinkles / wrinkles)

To reduce the possibility of the body exposed to the effects of menopause requires phytoestrogens,    and phytoestrogens present in Bengkoang. Consuming enough phytoestrogens that will make your 
skin healthy and fresh. 

5. Bengkoang can cure beriberi 

The content of vitamin B1 in the Bengkoang defect can prevent beriberi. 

6. Bengkoang can facilitate Breastfeeding 

And the latest benefits Bengkoang those found by the youth of the area Nganjuk named Nur Alim.      when it was one of one of his nephews who after giving birth, but breast milk can not be out 
already has done a variety of ways of taking drugs and all sorts of alternatives. Nur Alim  
eventually tried to give Bengkong to keponakanya Natural Wallahu instantaneous milk from  
nephew it out Like a pouring tap water. Bengkoang which can also nourish breast milk at Mother.

7. As Drug Fever

 Bengkoang are chemically cool nutritious and can be used to reduce fever. Bengkoang     

consumption directly or made juice every morning and evening.

8. Lowering Blood Cholesterol 

Levels One way to lower cholesterol levels in the blood that is by doing setting food properly.    
Bengkoang  juice therapy can be done to reduce blood cholesterol. The water content and fiber in 
the Bengkoang can help lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition to fiber and high water content,     the content of vitamin C in the Bengkoang that act as antioxidants can also help in the process of  
reduction in blood cholesterol levels.

9. Help treat Hemorrhoids

Fiber in the
Bengkoang can help to overcome hemorrhoids. This is because the benefits of fiber is 
helping facilitate the digestive tract, so BAB becomes easier and painless. Thus, hemorrhoids will 
more easily and quickly to be cured with treatment. To overcome hemorrhoids, made in the for of        juice and drink every waking in the morning.

10. Good for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Besides using drugs doctors, Bengkoang can be used to help maintain blood sugar levels. Dietary   
fiber contained in yam plays lowering blood sugar levels, because it will be absorbed by the 
digestive slowly and not all converted into glucose. To keep blood sugar levels remain normal,  
Bengkoang can be made juice or grated then filtered and taken every morning and afternoon.

11. Natural sources of phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are very needed by women to maintain their quality of life in old age. When a  

woman enters menopause, the body no longer produces estrogen in sufficient amounts, so it will 
have a tendency physical setbacks, including skin wrinkles faster and bones become fragile and 
break easily. Bengkoang is one of the foods that contain estrogen, and good for women who have 
entered menopause. Thus a common complaint during menopause can be avoided, so that the body becomes fresher and more interesting.

That's some of the benefits of fruits and seeds bengkoang, may be useful

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