Healthy Life Every Days

Thursday, December 6, 2018

How to Make the Vagina Fragrance

     Vaginal odor sometimes still appear despite frequent cleaning. Vagina usually caused by a combination smelling vaginal secretions, the apocrine sweat accrine, and external factors such as urine or feces.

The strong smell of the vagina can also be caused by infection or venereal disease such as excessive vaginal discharge. Material underwear that does not absorb sweat well and excessive use of soap can also trigger the appearance of vaginal odor.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Low Blood Type Food Enhancer

        Food Enhancer Blood. Red blood cells or erythrocytes become an important component that acts as a dealer of oxygen to tissues throughout the body. The number of erythrocytes in the body should be balanced, should not be too much or less. Reduced red blood cells resulting in anemia or lack of blood or blood low.

        Low blood or anemia is a condition in which the levels of red blood cells or the oxygen and carbon dioxide-binding protein (hemoglobin) were below the normal amount. The body will respond from this disorder, such as tired, pale and dizzy after sitting too long.

        Anemia occurs due to deficiency of minerals such as iron, folic acid, and vitamins such as A, B12, and C. As for other causes of anemia such as excessive bleeding during menstruation, women are prone to anemia, especially not enough body stores iron.

       The easiest way to overcome anemia is to eat foods blood booster, could be among the vegetables, nuts, seafood, fruit, and more. The following food additive low blood very effectively increases the number of red blood cells in the body.

Food Enhancer Blood 

First, you can multiply the consumption of fruits that contain vitamin A, C, or B complex (especially B12). Any fruit blood booster in question?

1. Orange 

Famous citrus fruit with vitamin C. Vitamin can multiply the red blood cells in the body, is very good for patients with anemia. There are also other content in citrus such as fiber, folic acid, and antioxidants.

2. Tomato 

Tomatoes with two straight vitamins, namely A and C. For yangmenderita diabetes, a day try to consume tomatoes as much as one to two.

3. Mango 

In mango, saved as much as 60 mg of vitamin C, numbering almost meet the daily vitamin needs of adults. Mango was fit to be bufavo patients with anemia, in addition to restoring the condition of the body is also getting stronger because of their antioxidant role as enhancing the immune system.

4. Guava

The amount of vitamin C that helps increase red blood cell production in guava fruit two times more than oranges, but rarely know. This fruit can also treat dysentery, you can peep the full articles efficacy of guava fruit.

5. Apple

Benefits apple one of which is to treat anemia, actually not. But because of the high vitamin C, apples become appropriate advice for people with less blood.

6. Papaya 

This fruit is known for its ability to smooth bowel movement, overcome the BAB jams, and other gastrointestinal disorders. Actually, the papaya fruit is also good for people with anemia. Because this fruit contains two compounds that are needed by people with low blood, namely vitamin C and folic acid.

7. Strawberry

Just like papaya carrying two compounds that are required by the patient's body is less blood, vitamin C and vitamin B9 (folic acid). So, you should not hesitate to eat the fruit that sometimes tastes a little sour this acid.

8. Dragon fruit 

According to the Chinese, the dragon fruit can give good luck and blessing. Although the fruit is not believed to be fully able to help people with anemia, but as one source of vitamin A was crowned as the fruit of fruit blood booster.

9. Cane 

Did not know the correct cane belongs to the family of fruits or vegetables, or what? No matter what the cane of a clear, these plants become a favorite snack that is devoted to women anemia. From the research, the highest content in it is iron, which is why the cane belonging to the blood booster foods.

Fruit other blood booster: 

* Bananas* Persimmon
* Breadfruit* Pomegranate* Kiwi* Wine* Avocados
* Cantaloupe* Cherry* Mandarin orange* Pumpkin* Raisins

Furthermore, you can choose foods blood booster derived from vegetables, of course, the same as the above fruits that contain the essential nutrients required anemia. Anything?

10. Cauliflower or Cauliflower 

This greenish white vegetables are easy to buy, commonly used as salad vegetables to eat fish fry. The content of nutrients in it on par with vegetables, broccoli, very well to regenerate red blood cells. There are also other substances that are not as important as protein, calcium, calcium, niacin, and thamine.

11. Coysum 

Vegetables that contain chlorophyll (chlorophyll) is also needed by patients with anemia when you want to heal. You can try green cabbage or chicory. In which not only contains vitamin A, B, and C which effectively regenerate hemoglobin, but also pocketed a lot of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and potassium is good for pregnant women.

12. Spinach 
These vegetables are also classified as green vegetables are good for pregnant women and patients with anemia. Women who before entering the menstrual phase it's good to eat spinach for forming red blood cells back up until the time of menstruation arrives.


Do not eat spinach that passed through a 5 hour cooking process. Why? Because of the potential to become toxic due to already interact with oxygen, though it was preserved in the refrigerator.

13. Kale 

Who does not like the green vegetables? Many creations of vegetable dishes is simple but nourishing. Investigate a investigate, because all parts of leafy green vegetables, and iron content is high, making these vegetables into a vegetable blood booster most advisable to eat them anemic.
You might like to watch TV while eating a snack? If you know having problems with anemia, replace the usual snacks you eat nuts have low blood booster.

14. Green beans 

Adapted from the site Online Digest, green beans can handle the problem of lack of blood because in it there are a lot of iron. Green beans can also take care of other health problems such as dermatitis, gastrointestinal, and neurological disorders. Certainly more comfortable if the green beans eaten with bread.
15. Dry Peas 

Peas is effective to increase the blood of people with anemia. If you're on a diet, peas can be incorporated into your diet.

16. Almond nut 

Almonds or almonds are rich in iron that can optimize blood circulation in the body. To meet the daily iron requirement, you only need one ounce of almonds every day.
17. Shrimp 

Seafood that is often invited pros and cons in the tongue of the people, especially when it enters the body. Some people have allergies to shrimp and while that which is not. Before you consume seafood blood booster this one, you'll want to know whether the body is sensitive to the shrimp.
18. Oysters and mussels

 Although a bit fishy odor, mussels or oysters seafood is very suitable for consumption with anemia.

19. Salmon 

Salmon is definitely included in the list of food additive blood, as being a supplier of vitamin B12 is needed by patients with anemia. Another important role of Vit. B12 in the body is splitting cells and keep the nervous system as well as cells, and is necessary for the process of DNA formation.

Additional blood booster foods that can be your choice is chicken breast, fish eggs, boiled soya beans, potatoes, dark chocolate (not sweet), red rice, animal liver, chicken eggs, duck meat, goat meat, and fruit bits.


Monday, March 20, 2017

The cause of itching in the vagina

        Itching in the vagina that are sometimes perceived certainly very disturbing and often cause discomfort and want to scratch it. But with the way in scratch instead it will make your vaginal irritation due to the female sex organs are very sensitive. For how to deal with allergies in your vagina we have the most appropriate solution, powerful and secure without causing side effects that are harmful to the body and also for your sex organs.

Some of the causes of vaginal itching due to allergies can be identified from the following factors, among others:

  1. Psychological factors. Frustrated, husband hates sex and failure triggered the emergence of vaginal itching. Itching due to psychological factors like these are physically not found the cause so treatment needs with counseling. 
  2. The presence of local interference in the outer part of the vagina. Appears when an infection as a result of their wounds. Wounds that arise because the possibility of scratching suffering from vaginal discharge.
  3.  Pubic lice scabies. Itching can be caused by the scabies mite is transmitted through sexual contact of a partner suffering from scurvy. 
  4. Frequent use in very tight clothing or clothing made of nylon material that cause allergies. Itching can also be caused by an allergy to the dressing material. 
  5. There is a tumor growing in the area of ​​femininity also cause itching in the vagina. 
  6. Other causes, women in the long term malnutrition, anemia, tuberculosis, food allergies and medicines are also equally complained of itching in the vagina. 
  7. In older women, itching occurs because of changes in the outer layer of the pubic. 
  8. A history of diabetes or diabetes. Therefore, immediately do a blood sugar test to find out if the itching in the vagina caused by diabetes. 
  9. Infected Sexually Transmitted Diseases that cause itching Trichomoniasis is outstanding and remove odor in the vagina.

        To relieve the itching that bothers need to know the cause. By eliminating the causes of itchy grievances will also be lost.
Also always keep the pubic diarrhea hygiene, use clean water when cleaning or use a sterile tissue, use underwear that is not tight and made of cotton. Avoid using soaps, sprays and fragrances vagina as well as the type of drugs that can irritate the surface of the genitals. Better to use a mild baby soap and not perfumed soap or detergent.
        If the cause of the itching suffered was because the itchy allergy can be cured by using drug Antihistaminika. Contact your doctor for a prescription and proper dosage.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fruits and Vegetables That Can Prevent Colds Cough

Fruit and Vegetable penghadang Cough Colds 

        Before a cough or a cold, you should take precautions to increase the resistance of the body, one of them through food. Some foods seem to be a bulwark against the flu virus.The flu virus typically stimulate excessive mucus, making it feel uncomfortable because the airway was obstructed. In order cough is not getting worse, avoid foods that can produce mucus.For example, milk and derivative products such as ice cream, yogurt, and cheese. Other foods can also increase the production of mucus are eggs, fried foods, red meat, as well as containing excessive sugar or salt.Conversely, there are certain foods that are useful for treating coughs, sore throat, or runny nose. The type of food is generally rich in vitamins that act as an immune system booster. 

Lots of choices. Here are some types of foods, mostly fruits, vegetables, and herbs, which can be used when a cough or flu : 


Beta-carotene is found in apricots. Beta-carotene is a vitamin that acts as a potent antioxidant that can protect from infection. Also strengthen the body's immune system. 


In broccoli contains nutrients which enhance the body immunity. Entering the broccoli in the daily diet would be very beneficial for health. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C which protects from the flu and viral infections.Broccoli contains beta-carotene which plays an important role in disease prevention. Dark green vegetables have become a good source of iron. Iron is needed to support the production of white blood cells and antibodies. 


Cabbage, either green or red, are very rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Components of these nutrients help strengthen the immune system. 


Contained in carrots beta-carotene. In the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which has the potential as an antioxidant. 


Cinnamon contains eugenol, phytonutrients components useful as an antiseptic and pain reliever. Also useful is a decongestant that relieves clogged nose due to colds. Cinnamon can be added to food or by mixing with warm water trunk. The mixture was powerful enough to overcome the flu. 


Sulfur contained in garlic keep blood healthy, and able to fight the bacteria and eliminate the virus. Garlic acts as a protector of the respiratory system, it also helps reduce the formation of mucus.


A kind of spice that gives a sense of warmth to the body. Ginger that has been crushed and mixed with warm water will help relieve cough. Effect of ginger is an expectorant or decongestant or remove phlegm and relieve congestion. 


A blend of lemon juice with honey is useful for treating coughs. According to Prof. Peter C. Molan, Ph.D., a researcher from The University of Waikato, New Zealand, honey also has anti-inflammatory components that can overcome a sore throat. 


Citrus fruits provide high antioxidant and phytonutrients that can fight viral infections. Contained in citrus flavonoids, an antioxidant and works in synergy with vitamin C to enhance the body's protection against free radicals. 

Letuce leaves. 

The leaves are dark green letuce contains a number of good nutrition. In general, the letuce contained beta-carotene, folic acid, and vitamin C. 


In the old days, lime is often used as an alternative to cough medicine with a mixture of soy sauce. In lime contained vitamin C is good for immunity. A natural antiseptic contained therein are also useful for sore throat. 


Supplies mango pretty much in the market to make the fruit easy to find. Fruits are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C may be an option to boost the immune system and protect against cell damage. 


Onions contain Phytonutrients that act as natural antibiotics. Serving in the form of salad or soup will give optimum benefit.

Figure 45 sex positions

       Many say "was right merely inserting objects into one object to another. Want to wear whatever position feels exactly that wrote it? "Yes indeed, that logic makes sense in many activities such as when inserting the key into the lock, for example. Insert the key into the key hole so the result is the same, that there is even so complicated that wear strange position. But believe it or not, position in sex is the key to get different sensations.

        If you're still newlyweds, maybe it's the same every position. In only 2 minutes brake-literate, the game was finished (mostly newlyweds like this). The new sex will feel different after 6-7 years in a position that's it in every session of intercourse. You will arrive at the saturation point where you start sexual activity is starting to feel disgusting taste.

        As a man, you start to feel difficulty standing. Problems that had been struggling just a matter of premature ejaculation, impotence is now even so. You begin to question the ability of your virility, whereas the real problem lies is bland sex life, like a chicken curry without coriander (rhymes right huh?).

This article is quite long, judging from my fingers that frizzy after finished typing. I accidentally article for page so let easy reference. If you can not read at once, please wrote on the bookmark. No strings and stale, we jump straight to the first point in the next.

1. Position the CAT (Coital Alignment Technique)
The position of the CAT is almost the same as the legendary missionary position. But because the missionary position is quite standard and for most people "boring", variants of sex positions that this one proved to make a difference in many couples. According to a study in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, women who have difficulty with orgasm missionary position increased orgasm at the CAT position as much as 56 percent.

The CAT position is not much different from the missionary position, only the position of the body husbands were slightly above than the wife. If the missionary position chest sticking aligned husband and wife, the husband's chest CAT position aligned with the wife's shoulder. Let me be the penetration, the wife must be curved legs about 45 degrees to lift slightly at the waist. This allows the base of the penis provides a constant friction against the clitoris.For you who likes classic missionary position because it is not capable of acrobatics extreme positions, it is advisable to not attempt the CAT position also let your sexual activity is not boring.

2. Position Niagara (Waterfall & Head Rush)

Many say, more blood flow to the brain, the better for the speed of a person's thinking. She's supposed to, Einstein was once like lying down with head on down to the blood flow to the brain more. SHE SAID heck (I never cared enough to find the truth tau).

Why do I discuss-discussed matter of blood to the brain? Because sex position Waterfall are also known as sex position Head Rush. Why? Because in this position, the husband lying on the bed (or any object where you and your wife do it). As shown above, the wife in the sitting position and must play an active role in penetrating. This will make the position of the heavy blood flow to the head and give a different sensation of intercourse.

See also: Beet is natural Viagra

3. Position One Up (Over Shoulder, The Hamstring Stretch)
Position One Up or commonly also called Over Shoulder is positioned according to the research the most appropriate for sensitive wives on one side of the clitoris alone. In the picture above, the position of guy does look are doing oral sex. But this position was not exclusively for oral sex only. Penetration can be done with this position and the wife will still get incredible stimulation on the clitoris.

In this position, lift one leg of his wife and let her hold him by the hand on the back of the knee. Make sure the wife is positioned near the edge of the bed, because the penetration is nicely done with husband resting on the floor. Ask the wife to lift his leg higher so that part of the hips come up and form a perfect angle for deep penetration at the same constant stimulation to the clitoris.

4. Position Cowgirl (Woman On Top)

Cowgirl position is actually more known position Woman On Top, aka the woman on top. This position requires stamina is certainly a good wife. Because the position Woman On Top, the wife was active in the state sitting on her husband's crotch. This position is actually one of the best sex positions that can generate extraordinary sensation. Woman On Top In this position, the constant penetration occurs in one third of the forefront part of the vagina, which is the most sensitive zones.

Create you who want to get a deeper sense, trying to do oral for his wife in a position Woman On Top. According to the study, the best oral sex for women is in a position Woman On Top, or when a woman in a state of squat / sit.

5. Position the Hot Seat (Love Seat)
Sex positions Hot Seat is actually a variant of the doggy style position, only performed in sitting. Husband was in a sitting position and slightly astride, be it on the side of the bed or chair. While his wife put themselves in a sitting position between the thighs husband. Unlike the doggy style that we know where the guy taking over the reins in the movement, the position of the hot seat this requires more active girl. So once again certainly requires stamina hehe.

On the Hot Seat position or also called the Love Seat, the wife should be able to reach the floor in order to raise themselves by resting on the floor. Or if it is done in a chair that has armrests, can also be used for resting alternately with a footrest to maintain stamina while in this position. Well worth a try for couples who feel the position missionaries began tasteless.

6. Position Spin Cycle (Repair Man)

Sex position called Spin Cycle or Repairman is the same with sex positions Hot Seat previously mentioned in point number 5. However, the fundamental difference is the position where the sex is done. If the Hot Seat sex positions done at the bedside or in a chair with armrests, position Spin Cycle performed on the washing machine and utilize the vibrations as an addition to the thrill.

7. Position Heaven Stairs (Stairway to Heaven)

Speaking of sex, one aspect that could be a new sensation is the selection of place. Position Ladder Heaven or the terms Flores hinterland Stairway to Heaven is one position that is not meant for sexual activity in the room. According to the lovers of this position, he said "why wait until in the room?" 
A partner who also likes "dying", sex positions that this one could be considered. The actual position is not much different from the basic position of the Hot Seat that had been discussed. In a state where the husband sat astride a little bit, give place to the wife between her thighs. The difference is, the position is done in Heaven Ladder rungs, not the edge of the bed, on a chair, on top of the washing machine especially on a copier.

8. Reverse Cowgirl Position (Rodeo Drive)

Previously we have discussed the position Cowgirl aka Woman On Top. This time we discuss yet another variant, the position of the intimate relationship Reverse Cowgirl Cowgirl aka reversed. If the position of the base wife Cowgirl position itself facing the husband, Reverse Cowgirl done with his husband. Easy anyway?

Although it is a variant, but the sensation Reverse Cowgirl Cowgirl different from the standard, as the position and angle of penetration is also different. In this position, the wife had to adjust the right angle to penetrate more sensational. The wife could maintain body for deeper penetration, or be slightly bent to stimulate the clitoris is more constant. It's just a bit difficult for a husband to do other stimuli because that turned his wife's position.

9. Pole Position (Thighmaster)

Sex positions that this one is called Pole position or Thighmaster. You must be wondering why the position is so called. Well, I also as confused as you.

The position of this one is actually more variants of position Reverse Cowgirl. The difference is, the wife sat between one husband in the leg buckling. To maintain balance, wife or husband can hug the thigh with his other hand resting on her husband's chest. What good is this position?

Pole Position provide more stimulation for both (he does so). For the wife, it will get more stimulation of the clitoris and thighs touch her husband. As for the husband would get a view arch her body more beautiful in this position, plus the penetration different view.

10. Face Off Position (The Lap Dance)

Well, we started to get into positions for those who like to "intimacy". Some of the positions that will be discussed will give you an intimate extraordinary sensation, can make a couple more sticky on top of or under the bed (huh?)

We begin with sex positions Lap Dance or also commonly called Face Off. This position is done in a sitting position, either in a chair or on the edge of the bed. Anyway wherever husband can comfortably sit down and touched his feet to the floor. The wife then put yourself in the lap of her husband with facing position. For penetration, the wife can push the weight of his body with knees. This position can be done to play the "slow". If you want a bit of a hurry, the husband can help by helping lift the wife on the buttocks.

This position can be waged with a hug and kiss. Body attachment of both partners to make this position very intimate, so it is perfect for romantic evenings for husband and wife.

11. Position Lazy Man (The Squat Thrust)

Position intercourse Lazy Man is one of the variants of Face Off position. The difference is, the position of this one done in a sitting position husband. Should be done on a soft surface, such as a bed or mattress. Put a pillow behind her husband as a backrest. Then the wife of positioning itself in a state of facing her husband sitting with legs bent like a squat. So at this point, once again the wife who took control in the penetration with resting on his legs. Of course, the husband could help by lifting the buttocks wife.

Lazy Man's position is predicted is one of the best sex position for you who like intimacy. Just remember this: the best sex positions should be kept to the right people at the right night. Do not use with sex doll ...

12. The position of David Copperfield (Trick & Treat)

If there are names of people who should be made in the position of making love, it seems David Copperfield is the most appropriate name. Imagine if there was a position Farhat Abbas? It feels more suitable as the name of the position of defecation. Instead of insulting, but just trying to be honest wrote.

Anyway, it is true that one's sex position called the position of David Copperfield or also referred to the position of trick and treat. Why was named David Copperfield? Let us equally puzzled wrote, because I happen to also get less ...

This position is actually dual function as well, both for penetration or oral sex. In this position, you should use a pillow to help elevate the hips wife to form a right angle for penetration. It is said that this position is the best sex positions for those who like a deep penetration. For oral affair, this position also gives the sensation that ruuuaar unusual for his wife ...
Please try ...

See also: Gymnastics to tightent Mrs V

13. The position of Heir of Throne (Lazy Girl)
This position is called Heir to The Throne, aka Lazy Girl. Sometimes I am also confused by the naming-naming this position. But clearly, the position that one is devoted to oral sex, but of course also be used to penetrate.

The position involves the lazy girl chair without armrest, and certainly involves a couple ... because of course oral sex you can not do alone except maybe if you're a yoga instructor. In this position, place his wife in a sitting position with a straddle. In this position also, the wife could clearly see the sights down there when you do oral, which also is the stimulation and sensation of its own tablets.

14. Position Closed Business

The position of this one rather devoted to oral activity. In terms of position, does not allow for you to penetrate, unless you penis size of a moped tire valve. This position is called Closed Business.This position is suitable for women who are uncomfortable with direct oral. 

Why is Closed Business? Because in this position, the wife pressed her thighs until there is little gap to perform oral. To get started, you should stick one finger on the top of the mound "mountain of love" is, in order to open a little gap to stimulate the clitoris with the tongue. Sounds are inconvenient. But believe me, explain this in writing is far more troublesome.

15. Position Pretzel (Camel Ride)
Sex positions that this one is also called Camel Ride aka Pretzel position. Why is roughly one style of sex is called Camel Ride? The same reason why this position is not called Donkey Ride? Too heavy? Well, not been thought ...

Speaking of this one style, it is actually easier to imagine than in practice. As seen in the picture, my wife leaned just need you then try to penetrate. In practice, sometimes rather difficult for (sorry) a guy with a penis below the average. Well, it could be a bit labored, but it will not be a promising position deep penetration.

What is important in this position, penetration from different angles, giving rise to different sensations for both. All you need to watch carefully is the position of the wife who were on the outside. This foot placement that will allow you to do good penetration.

16. The position of the G-Whiz (The Anvil)


This one sexual position called the position of the G-Whiz or The Anvil. I am less know why this position is also called The Anvil. Perhaps because insnpirasi by Punkrock singer from Canada, Anvil Lavigne (??)

Okay, forget the name. Actually, this position is not a new position for most couples, right? This position is one of the most delicious style of sex in the Indonesian language known as graft lovemaking positions. His position is easy, where you put both feet on the second wife of your shoulder. With a little encouragement in the future will form a perfect angle to penetrate the super in, no matter even though you penis size 11-12 to the size of your little finger.

But not all women can flex itself to form a perfect angle of penetration, especially if (again sorry) your wife a little overweight. If so, it is advisable to prop the wife's buttocks with a cushion to help the formation of the angle of penetration of the most delicious. Please try.

17. The position Doggy Style (Man's Best Friend)


SURE classic position that you see in all the videos or movies. However begin and end however, sex position doggy style ritual seems indeed mandatory for all porn star.Actually for myself, doggy style sex position that is not a favorite because I did not feel intimate when to have sex while staring at his back. I do not know how your taste, but it certainly is not the doggy style position of the most intimate in the world.

But actually the doggy style position also promises deep penetration, which is why a favorite of many women. Because of its ability to allow deep penetration of this, too many doggy style recommended for couples who are in the course of pregnancy. Well, as the saying goes, the deeper the better ... (huh?)

18. The position of Flatiron (Belly Flop)

The position of this one is a variant of doggy style too. Because the name is also a variant doggy style, of course you're going to make love all night staring at the back of his wife. If you like does not matter.

Shag style called Flatiron or Belly Flop This involves a pillow as a tool. For some people it sometimes takes more than one pillow, depending on how big the difference between high and both partners.

Pillow positioned to prop the hips wife. Penetration can be done by moving or clenched thighs wife. Depending on the comfort you both wrote. In this position, of course you are in full control, so be sure to adjust the position of penetration as possible because at this position seems a bit impossible for you to do other stimuli by hand.

19. Position Butter (Squat Thruster)


Okay, it looks like this position for gout culprit's wife, but is actually more fun in practice than it seems. Sexual position called Butter position obliges the wife to a little more flexible than most Indonesian women who prefer to watch Korea while lying rather than exercising. Because wives placed in position the upper body bent and resting on the shoulders and neck, while you penetrate from above.

This position also promises deep penetration, and of course there was a different sensation behind the "suffering" of this position. But remember to always be careful when putting pressure on and penetration, your wife is resting on the neck. Too strong pressure from above can cause stress on the neck of his wife. Remember, the best sex position is a position that did not cause casualties ...

20. Position Ballet Dancer (Ballet Dancer)

The position of this one called the alias ballet dancer ballet dancer. Actually, not one of the most comfortable sex positions in my opinion, because it must be done in a standing position as when the flag ceremony. But talk about the position of this one, the position of ballet dancers also offers the intimacy tablets.

His position is quite easy actually, but very dependent on the height differences that fits. If you're too high, the wife should be slightly leaning back or you have to lift it slightly to form a perfect angle of penetration (unless you have a penis-shaped U). Conversely, if you're too short compared to the wife, you should be slightly leaned backward and wife should be slightly bent knees, which is much more uncomfortable.

But in an ideal position, you two can stand upright and wife need only lift one leg to embrace your hips. While your body can be fastened in a position embraced. In the style of sex as this one, the wife should be more active to advance the penetration of the backing hip or pulling your hips with his legs. 

21. Position Stand & Deliver (The Bicycle)


The position of this one called the Stand & Deliver or Bicycle. In terms of penetration, this is one position that could certainly be the favorite wife. In this position, the wife lay down on the bed and you penetrate in a state of standing. Almost like the style of the G-Whiz, where you place your feet can wives in your shoulders or you simply bend to form the most appropriate angle of penetration. 
By doing a shot in the state of standing, of course, can penetrate deeper and intense. Just be sure to get the most appropriate angle, height of the bed is also an important factor. If the bed is too low, you have to bend the legs or leaning over and resting on hand, which as tiring. If the bed is too high, you should instead use a booster so hip you could at least be parallel to the edge of the bed. So it is advisable not to position an intimate relationship that one is in bed children's bunk beds or on two levels.

22. The position of Iron Chef (Kitchen Confidential)


The position of the intimate relationship that one is actually almost the same as Face Off position which we have already discussed. Which makes this position gives a different sensation is the selection of the place is unusual, especially for most Indonesian people are never far away from the bed when it comes to sex.

This position is called the Iron Chef. Where the wife is positioned above the kitchen counter and you penetrate from the front in a standing position. This position is actually quite easy and you can understand enough with the above picture only. This position is usually used for a quickie, as does the kitchen is not a place to linger sex. All you need to remember that the height of the counter should be almost parallel with your hips so that penetration could you do in a state of standing upright without bending the knees or leaning forward. But if the height of your kitchen counter is not suitable, please do not do this position at the dinner table ...

Strongly recommended to practice this position only if both you and the wife stayed at home. This position is not recommended for couples who live in romance or staying with in-laws. This issue can be screwed boss ...

23. The position of Aquaman


Okay, maybe the people who have their own pool only about one point a percentage of the total population of the whole of Indonesia. But that was not the reason for introducing the position of one's intimate relationship. This position is called the position of Aquaman.

Aquaman actually almost the same position with the position of a ballet dancer, it's just done in a pool with the position you are standing and leaning against the wall of the pool. While wives position themselves embrace your hips with the feet. This is actually the position that you can do well out of the water,
but if it is done in the pool will make this position more easily because water weight lighten wife.
  Besides much easier, there is another sensation when intercourse is done in a pool where the water is cold make you more in need of intimacy in sex. This position is recommended to be tried. But please do not be forced to do in the general pool, water tank or in your house. If you do not have their own pool, may be patient and trust, is a more reasonable solution.

24. Position Wheelbarrow (Hoover Maneuver)

The position of this one called the Wheelbarrow. Actually, this position is a variant of the standard doggy style. Indeed, this position is not so commonly done, except in circumstances where it is forced mattresses, mattress or couch can not be found at all.

But for you the sensation explorers who are fed up with the missionary position or doggy style standards, should consider to practice this Wheelbarrow position simply to seek new sensations. Let me explain how his position.

In this position, you position yourself in a state of standing with his wife. The wife then bent and resting on the floor with both hands and then hug your hips with the feet. You and your wife can be equally active in this position, where you can pull and push hips wives while wives can increase the pressure by pulling your hips with his legs.

Okay, it looks a bit extreme and unusual. But for a new adventure, not necessarily unusual, right?

25. Seated Position Wheelbarrow (Wheelbarrow Sit)

If the position were we talking about Wheelbarrow which is a variant of the doggy style position, this one is a variant of Wheelbarrow position itself. The position of the intimate relationship that one is called the alias Wheelbarrow Wheelbarrow Seated position while sitting ... or something.Wheelbarrow standard position was indeed tiring. Staring at the picture half an hour is enough to make eyes tired, especially when done. But variants of this one made to facilitate you achieve almost the same sensation, but with less ease than their original positions.As you can see in the picture, this position is done exactly as Wheelbarrow, just sitting in a soft object, such as a bed or sofa. Wife fixed weight rested on the floor using both hands, but 3/4 of his body lying on the bed / couch where you sit. And so, this position could be more comfortable and longer you do because it is not too difficult for both parties.
26. The position of the Dragon Standing (Standing Dragon)

Naming the sex position is important, so easy to remember even when your mind was floating because the easement. As the position of this one, for example, referred to the position of the Dragon Standing Dragon Standing alias. Why is the position of Naga Stand? I see no party should take a position resembling a dragon and I also do not see any dragons involved in this position. Moreover, if not just let his position is easy to remember?

Actually, this position is a variant of the doggy style position. Wife is positioned at the edge of the bed, the husband turned nungging like the doggy style position standard. Only the husband takes a standing position, which is the only difference between a dragon standing position and doggy style. 

What makes the Dragon Standing different sensation with doggy style? First, the dragon sounded cooler than doggy course. Second, with the Dragon Standing position you can penetrate more intense and deeper. This is because you rely on your legs so that impetus can be assisted by the knee. While penetration in doggy style relies heavily on tenacity to your hips.

27. Position Restroom Attendant (Drop Soap)

To avoid the monotony of sexual activity and so-so wrote, many sex experts advise couples to have sex in the morning before starting the activity. Sex mornings are also many benefits tablets, which you can find yourself later for less disconnected when should I write here.

Well, talk about sex in the morning, many suggested that the sex was not done in bed because you're tired and the further possibility of delayed again. Especially for you-you pasagan busy, it is advisable to try this position when making love Restroom Attendant ria in the morning.

Restroom Attendant position or also called Drop the Soap is a position that is intended to sex in the bathroom. This is due to the application, standing with her husband resting on the bathroom counter sink.

There is a sensation of this position. Ask the wife to look in the mirror when you spring penetration. This enables eye contact between you which is not possible at the moment get to penetrate from the back elsewhere.
28. Position Sofa Lazy (Lazy Couch)


Some guy a rather paranoid and assume the bathroom was too dangerous for sexual activity, with the possibility of slips and broken penis is higher than elsewhere. Well, I was actually one of those paranoid and consider sex in the bathroom was not a brilliant idea. But this does not mean sex in the morning so something impossible, because in addition to the bathroom there is another place where you can have sex in the morning. 
Sofa is one other option. The position of this one called Lazy Lazy Couch Sofa alias. This position is actually a variant of doggy style, only wife's position to form a slightly different angle than the doggy style position.

In the picture above you can see the wife took the position of his hips rested on the armrest sofa is quite high, while the husband to penetrate from behind in a standing position. The difference with the doggy style, she does not astride in this position but instead clenched her legs so that there is a sensation in penetration.

29. Position Fix Quickie (The Bends)


In marriage, every day feels like a paradise and every month it seems like a round honey. Well, that's a myth. Because most of the day will begin with showers husband hurry up because getting up late, cook wives rush for getting up late, fussy children also when it is too late, and their combination clearly not heaven or honeymoon.

In a hurry like this, does not mean that sexual activity can not be inserted between them. Quickie Position Fix or also known as The Bends, is the position of the most intimate relationship rush and improvise in the history of romance. Wife bent where his hands to touch his knees, while the husband to penetrate from behind in a state of standing. There are no beds, no table, no chair or sofa. It looks less comfortable, but certainly efficient bro ...

30. The position of Mountaineering (The Pushup)

The position of this one called the Mountain Climber position or also called The Pushup. Why are named Mountain Climber position? Asking is the same as asking "why Farhat Abbas named Farhat Abbas?" The answer is the same, to be honest I do not know and are not so concerned to find out. 
The position that does not connect with this name does not involve mountaineers or mountain climbing equipment whatsoever. This position is in fact similar to the missionary position intercourse, which she lay with her legs open and husband to penetrate from the top with legs straightened out. 
The difference is, the husband rested his body with both hands like doing pushup. Why should it be like that? By focusing themselves on the hand, it forms an angle of penetration that is different from standard missionary. This position may not provide clitoral stimulation as much as the missionary position, but the position of the pushups gives the sensation of penetration different because it is more intense and deeper.

31. Position Pillow Driver (Quicker Picker Upper)

We continued to position called Pillow Driver. This position is also called the Upper Quicker, which again for reasons that do not know anyone except the call. At first glance it is almost the same as the legendary missionary position because it is another variant of the missionaries themselves.

The difference, in the position of Driver's Pillow you use pillows as a tool to establish a good angle of penetration. Pillows placed at the bottom wife's hips. You position yourself at the top of the concentrate weight on both your hands. With the help cushion would allow you to penetrate deeper. 

The good again, you can do it by hand stimulation to sensitive parts of his wife, for example, nipples or clitoris, of course, if you are strong rests with just one hand. You can give the sensation of intimacy with your arm bent and pressed the agency with his wife. Like the missionary position, this position is also very flexible but certainly with a more intense penetration and inside.

32. The Missionary Position
This time we go into a legendary position even been mentioned since earlier before the point itself. Why missionary sex positions is called legendary? This position is a position that supposedly do not need to be learned and embedded in the human survival instinct, good guys or girls. Without this missionary position, humans can not breed, and human existence on earth will be extinct before entering the modern world.

But the missionary position is not just a boring standard position, because according to survey evidence and research, missionary position intercourse is one of the best positions intimate relationship throughout history. Intimacy, deep penetration, constant stimulation to the clitoris, all aspects which make it scrumptious sex activity can be found in the missionary position.
33. Position Spoon (Sleeper Hold)

The position of this one called the Spoon alias spooning position. This position is actually a variant of doggy style, only one position is preferred by those lovers of intimacy. Doggy style certainly less so intimate, as the meeting point of two beings only body in selangkan and thighs only. It's very intimate.

The difference in the spoon position, you could hug his wife from behind and with a comfortable position. Sometimes you can not be too flattened themselves if height differences with my wife was not too much or if your penis (sorry) below the average male penis.

There is a different sensation with this position, especially for a wife. Because you can do all kinds of stimulation from behind. You can kiss the nape of the neck and the wife from behind or play nipple / clitoris with your hands.

34. Position Scissors (Spork)

Different angles, different certainly sensation. With the missionary position, penile penetration of the front. With doggy style, penile penetration from behind. What if the penetration sideways? Now, use the position of the so-called Spork's position alias Scissors.

As in the picture, the wife of positioning itself lie on your back with both legs spread. This is normal. What was unusual was the position you are taking a vertical position. You can concentrate weight on his elbows and his wife put a foot inside your body. Or do you concentrate weight with his hands and feet put his wife on the outside of your body if you want more straddle wife.

What is important at this position is the placement of your own feet. Make sure to bend your knees slightly to make it possible to boost the hip during penetration. Kinda hard indeed to penetrate with lying sideways, but with both feet right position to do the pushing. But with considerable experience, this would not be a problem.

35. Outstanding Gift Packaging (Gift Wrapper)

It is also one of the positions selection intimacy lovers. Penetration may be very dependent on the height difference a couple, but at least you'll kayak sticky stamps (in the true sense).

This position is called the Gift Wrapper or wrapping. Where the picture you can see for yourself how the meeting both partners. Basically, it's like spooning but with both feet astride wife and husband embracing waist like a sunny side up fried rice wrappers.

There was a little problem on the actual efficiency, it is rather difficult for a guy to do a hip impulse in this position. The wife also required a bit more active encouragement because it will be easier to move to tighten / loosen the embrace of husband's feet at the waist. Husband alone can also help by pressing the wife hips during penetration.

Explanation for this is a bit confusing because it is actually easier to do than to describe. So please just try and let your sexual instincts take over.

36. Position Face Spoon

If we had already discussed the position of Spoon, this time we discussed also the position of the variant called Face Spoon. From the name alone is visible, that this position is spooning done from the front. Simple.

One similarity of the two positions is meeting his wife leg. However, penetration with wife legs tightly easier to do from the back rather than the front. Thus, the face spoon position is more difficult than the standard spoon position.

Remember, in this position the husband must put yourself a little more down. At least, a hip husband wife under the hips for easy penetration. If you are far higher than the wife, it still allows you kissing while air-ria face spoon.

37. Position X (The X Position)


This one is called the X position. From the name alone is clear, you will have sex with a position that resembles the letter X.

From the pictures you can see how easy this position. Difficult point is positioned to penetrate the thigh in the groin wife.

Although difficult, the sensation is worth the trouble. This position was initiated by rempong, but it could be the end of the noisiest.

39. Position Fusion (Getting Leg Up)

Leg Position Fusion or also called Getting Leg Up is one of the positions with deep penetration. The good again, both sides can play a role in every encouragement penetration which makes this position can be very intense. For men who premature ejaculation carefully wrote, you could just squirt in a blink of an eye.

In this position, such as sitting in the groin wife husband with her legs raised onto the shoulders of her husband. Both rested his weight with his hands and with this also did boost penetration. Realistically, this position is a bit difficult if both parties have the same weight problems. Because of course, this position can not be done if a swollen abdomen impede the penetration.

One thing I like about this position. Fusion Leg Position requires activeness wife in penetration. Seeing your wife sweat trickled between the two breasts roundness will provide sensation that will make you more violent!

40. The position of Spider (The Spider)

This position is a variant of the Fusion Leg position, but not one of the positions that I've tried. The reason is simple: because I hate spiders and all associated with it. Why this position is not a position called "Baby Cat Cute" alone?

Yes, this position is called Spider position for obvious reasons can you see in the image. The position of both is almost equal to the position in Leg Fusion, which both have to devote weight by hand.

The difference, she should help provide the perfect angle of penetration by focusing weight on the elbow. In this position, they also have to actively push or can while alternately. But clearly, the foot crossing both make their legs look like spiders.

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41. Position Hovering Butterfly

Okay, now we get into the discussion of oral sex positions. Most couples are too dependent on the position of the standard oral sex, where the parties orally lie and bend the oral carry out the mandate entrusted. It's not common, but if it remains too will reach a saturation point when it's frequency. One position can be used as a special gift for his wife verbally night is a float position butterfly. Here you are doing oral lying in bed. Wife then took a position as a position Cowgirl, just sit on your face while holding onto the headboard as the support of weight. This position, you are doing oral not very active because the wife can position his hips to bring your tongue with most of what he feels is most appropriate. This position is claimed to make a girl scream. Please try.

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42. Position Six Nine (69)

Not much to discuss positions for oral sex, but the position of this one still legendary. 69 position is a position that must be oral wild fantasies all the guys, including you.
But the girls just a little uncomfortable with this position, especially those who are shy. Because at this point, you deal directly with the "back door" which for most girls is an area that embarrassing, even for your wife.

I need not explain how exactly this 69 position (if you do not know can see the image itself). What is more important for you to know is how to persuade him to do 69. Verbal Persuasion may be quite difficult. But try oral first wife with a standard position. When my wife get a little aroused, turn your body slowly and take you to the groin head as a sign you want oral too. In this position reversed already, you can slowly lift the body and there was his wife to 69!
43. Position Face Sitter (Hovering Dragon)


The position of this oral called the Face Sitter. Actually, this position is almost the same as the position of oral Hovering Butterfly earlier.

How it works almost the same position, in which she is lying supine and you are kneeling on the chest. To make it easier, prop wife's head with some pillows to achieve the perfect angle to person. Because in a lying position may be somewhat difficult for backing advance the head, it helps you who do the pushing hips slowly and carefully.

It helps you service first wife with Butterfly Hovering position before asking for service with Face Sitter's position. I can guarantee, this position will provide oral sensation are much different from regular oral positions.

44. Position Elevator (Bees Knees)

Oral position while the rest was used. Ever try a standing position? The position called elevators or Bees Knees position gives you a different sensation, mainly due to the contraction of the muscles around the thigh when his wife is "jihad" down there.

A simple position. You stand with your feet a little wider so as not to lose balance. Wife can squat or sit with legs bent backward right in front of you. Let your crotch level with the head of the wife, and then adjust the width of your foot.

The good again, your hands are still free to explore in this position. At least you can also make my wife comfortable even in a state of high fly into the clouds.

45. Position Swizz Ball Blitz (Romper Room)


This position is called the Swizz Ball Blitz. This position requires tools such as large rubber ball that is made for the sport. The ball is usually found in the gym-gym or aerobics. Name I forget and happen to really make browsing more lazy.

This position is in fact not yet been tried. But according to the survey, this is one of the intimate relationship that favored position because it saves stamina he said. Of course, the penetration of which ye do greatly helped by this ball Reflective.

Actually, this position could be varied be many other styles, as long as you can balance the weight on it. But the standard position as you can see above, where the wife of positioning itself you sit on a chair with legs spread. Partner's legs should not trample on the floor and your job is to maintain your balance during the process. If the supporting equipment you have at home, why not try?

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Source: CaraRahasia