Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bengkoang Benefits for Health

      Bengkoang or yam (Pachyrhizus erosus) known from tubers (cormus) white can be eaten as a salad and pickled component or used as a face mask to refresh and whiten skin. Plants originating from tropical America is included in the tribe of legumes or Fabaceae. In place of origin, this plant is known as Xicama or Jicama.

     Tubers contain sugar and starch as well as phosphorus and calcium. Bulbs also have a cooling effect because they contain 86-90% moisture content. The sweet taste comes from an oligosaccharide which is called inulin (not insulin), which the human body can not digest. This property is useful for diabetics or people who go on a diet low in calories.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

11 Kinds of Vegetables Lowering Cholesterol

    Some foods that contain no bad cholesterol or low-density Lipoproptein (LDL) which can cause plaque in the blood vessels and unisex cholesterol can increase Lipoproptein high density (HDL) or good cholesterol that can be used by the body to convert vitamin that dissolves in fat .

      Saturated fat raises cholesterol and increases the more the most commonly found in food products derived from animal protein, such as meat, milk, cream, butter, and cheese. Saturated fats are not only found in animal products, but those that are derived from vegetable products such as coconut milk, coconut oil and vegetable fats.

      To lower cholesterol levels or maintain cholesterol levels remained stable and normal, the most effective way is to avoid, reduce or limit the intake of foods containing saturated fats.

Here are 10 kinds of vegetables can help lower cholesterol or good food for people with cholesterol, which are:

1.  Tomato

Although classified into fruits, consuming tomatoes may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. You can make a delicious tomato juice and drink two glasses of tomato juice every day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

10 Kinds Of Fruits Lowering Cholesterol

   Efforts in lowering cholesterol is not only to pay attention to food intake and avoid foods that contain lots of saturated fat that just cause higher cholesterol. Much can be done to keep cholesterol in order to remain stable.

    Here are some types of fruits that can be used as a fruit in lowering cholesterol. Broadly some foods and fruits may reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and otherwise increase the good cholesterol in the body so that the levels remained normal cholesterol (HDL).

Monday, April 20, 2015

Abstinence Food for People with Arthritis

  The cause of arthritis varies greatly. Generally, affected by autoimmune problems which the immune system attacks the joint tissue lying. As a result, the cartilage around joints thinning. In its place came the new bone. When the body moves, bone joints intersect. This incident triggers pain and unbearable pain.

     Although the doctor did not give any foods that should be avoided for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, but from the experience of the patient will feel pain more severe in the joints, when eating certain foods. Abstinence Food also aims to maximize treatment you live, as well as reduce the pain of your arthritis disease. Meanwhile, foods that should be avoided by people with arthritis, among others, are:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

11 Kinds Of Vegetables That Can Help Reduce High Blood

    High blood pressure or hypertension is known as a major risk factor for for heart attack and stroke. Therefore, it is necessary for us to prevent high blood pressure by keeping the blood pressure in the normal range.

      Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. If your blood pressure is between 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg, then it is Prehypertension, which means you do not have hypertension, but most likely you will experience it. If the above 140/90 mm Hg then it is hypertension.

      There are many ways that can help you to reduce high blood pressure such as exercise, weight control, and avoid smoking. But do not forget what we eat also affects your blood pressure. By incorporating some of the following foods into your diet, not only can reduce high blood pressure but also can improve your overall health.

1.  Carrots

Carrots are very high in potassium and beta-carotene that are proven to reduce high blood pressure. Carrot juice helps maintain normal blood pressure by regulating heart and kidney function.