Saturday, May 9, 2015

Foods That Contain Folic Acid

     Foods that contain folic acid which is quite high. Folic acid is a nutrient that is essential for our body, especially for pregnant women. Folate is needed during pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects, abnormalities in the brain and spinal cord. A pregnant woman needs at least 400 mcg of folic acid, the amount can be fulfilled with a bowl of cereal, but of course you need also a source of folic acid from foods other sepereti fruits, vegetables and whole grains also are rich in essential nutrients.Here is a list of fruits and vegetables that contain folic acid:
Nuts.Nuts not only contain high levels of folic acid but also other important nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and protein, all of which are very important for our body. In one cup of beans contains about 180 micrograms of folate, that number nearly half of your daily requirement of folic acid.

Spinach.Spinach is a food source of vitamin which is very good because it acts as an important antioxidant. Consuming spinach is also highly recommended for pregnant women because it contains folic acid which is needed during pregnancy.

Citrus fruits.Fruit that has a sweet and sour taste is indeed very refreshing, especially when consumed in hot weather, oranges contain lots of vitamin C which is very good for strengthening the immune sisitem us. Not only vitamin C alone, it turns oranges also contain folic acid which is very beneficial for pregnant women.

Asparagus.These foods rich in folic acid, in 1 cup of asparagus contains 79 mcg. The food is very good especially when served in a steamed state undercooked, because the nutrients in it are still awake.

Broccoli.We know broccoli as one of the foods that contain high levels of protein and calcium, vegetables this one does have a lot of important nutrients and also very many benefits to health. Broccoli included in the list of foods that contain high folic acid because in one cup of broccoli provides about 104 mcg of folic acid.

Animal liver.The food that is usually avoided because mengndung often high in fat and cholesterol, may they avoid foods this one because only see the negative side, even though there is an advantage that you get when eating liver that contains folic acid which is good. Although liver contains folic acid for pregnant women should better not eat them because of the liver in the list of foods that cause a miscarriage, especially if consumed in excess.

Red beans.Kidney beans are food sources of folic acid are very good, in ½ cup of red beans contain at least 115 mcg of folic acid. Red beans also have a lot of health benefits and contains high levels of fiber which is very good for your digestion.

Sunflower seeds.In 1 ounce of sunflower seeds that have been peeled contains approximately 82 mcg of folic acid. Sunflower seeds can be used as a highly nutritious cereal pelangkap such as calcium and other essential minerals. Aside from being a complementary cereal sunflower seeds can also be used as a snack rich in folic acid content.

Avocado.Fruits are rich in this nutrient does have a million benefits to health, avocados are rich in fiber and fat kandunga good or HDL. Besides fruit filling is also a food source of folic acid that is preferred by many people. Buahalpukat folic acid known to be useful for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood which is very well taken for those of you who want to lower cholesterol levels.

Corn.Madura's staple food turns into the food sources of folic acid are quite good, only one cup of cooked corn contains 76 mcg of folic acid, the figure is already able to meet about 20% of your daily requirement of folic acid.

Eggs.Maybe for you've no doubt about the nutritional content of the food, the egg is one of the best foods that have a lot of essential nutrients from calcium, vitamin D and folic acid protein. But for those of you who have high cholesterol levels should be careful when eating eggs because of cholesterol content is high enough, especially in the yolk.

Tomatoes.Tomatoes are one of the fruits that are often used as a vegetable and is better known in the community as a vegetable than a fruit. Tomato famous for its vitamin C content so as to prevent ulcers. Tomatoes found to contain folic acid which is needed during pregnancy, in one cup of tomatoes contains approximately 48 mcg of folic acid.

Carrots.Carrots is a famous food has many benefits because it is a food that contains vitamin A high enough, in addition to vitamin A of carrots also contain folic acid, one cup of carrots in a raw state meet about 5% of your daily requirement of folic acid. Carrots can be made menajdi juice that has very many benefits to health, including as a source of folate.

Cauliflower.One cup of cauliflower contains 55 mcg of folic acid, so consuming that amount already meets about 14 percent of your daily requirement of folic acid.

Okra.Okra is one of the foods that contain high levels of folic acid because in one cup of okra provides approximately 37 mcg of folic acid.

Pumpkin.Pumpkin is a solid food very filling, pumpkin can be processed into a wide variety of processed foods such as pumpkin compote. Pumpkin is known as one of the food was very good because it has manafat very much for your health, it can not be separated from its content nutiris and one of them is folic acid. Folic acid in the flask is quite high at around 57 mcg percangkirnya.

Bananas.For pregnant women to eat fruit is highly recommended, and bananas become one of the fruits which are recommended for pregnant women because providing folic acid content.

Cereal.Already a lot of different kinds of cereal product which has been fortified with folic acid and various vitamins needed. So you do not have to worry about to meet your daily requirement of folic acid. In the bowl of fortified cereal folic acid has been able to meet your daily requirement of folic acid, but meet the folic acid from other sources such as fruits and vegetables should not be forgotten.

Pasta.Every pregnant woman needs a lot of energy, and the pasta is a food that is very suitable because it contains high levels of carbohydrates. One cup of cooked pasta contains 100 mcg of folic acid.

Cantaloupe.Fruit with a sweet flavor contains vitamins A and C, and is a good source of folic acid. A quarter-sized cantaloupe providing 25 mcg of folic acid.
Such a list of foods that contain high folic acid. We hope to provide information for those who need it.

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