Sunday, May 10, 2015

How to Eliminate Breath

     Causes of bad breath is quite diverse. Sprue including one, occurs because of an infection in the mouth that causes pus smells from the mouth. Smoking should be regarded as the cause of bad breath, you probably already know why. And, most affecting are cavities. This is a major factor triggers bad breath, occurs because many piles leftovers on the sidelines of cavities which gradually decay and cause bad breath accompanied by other problems such as swollen gums.

It's easy, simple effort you can do as a way to overcome the unpleasant mouth odor is to regularly brush their teeth every time the shower, plus a gargle when you wake up and before bed. More details about how to eliminate bad breath quickly, following tips that work summarized from several reliable health sites:

1. Routine brushing teeth

The most basic thing you have to do is routine brushing your teeth at least two times a day. When brushing your teeth do not be too aggressive because it can destroy tooth enamel which makes you more susceptible to damage.

2. If necessary, use dental floss

After dinner course there are many leftovers that slip between between teeth that form plaque and tartar. Both places are very favored bacteria to survive in the mouth. To overcome this, the first course with brushing teeth and if necessary, use dental floss more often to clean the rest of the food on the teeth. 
3. Use anti-bacterial mouthwash
Every waking, try to immediately rinse with an anti-bacterial mouthwash for a few seconds. This habit will make the bacteria lodged in the mouth when you sleep to be reduced and also reduced plaque. 
4. Lift the dirt and bacteria on the tongue
Bacteria do not just stick to the tartar, but in the tongue was also considered as a suitable place for them. Indirectly, it would form a layer on the tongue that will cause a foul odor caused by bacteria earlier.In this issue, you can rub the tongue with a toothbrush gently across the surface of the tongue. If necessary, buy a special tongue cleaning tool because it is designed to apply the same pressure in the region of the tongue surface. 
5. Drink plenty of water 
Water will make your mouth awake from dehydration (lack of fluids). Reduced saliva in the mouth can cause odor. Therefore, in a day keep your mouth is not dry, the way to multiply drinking water. If that is deemed unsuccessful visit the dentist for a consultation about the problem you are experiencing. 
6. Be wary of gum disease
Periodontal or gum disease laymen call it very helpful cause unpleasant odors from your mult. This happens because at the base of the teeth (gum) there is a lot of bacteria that were never cleaned. If the condition is fairly serious, visit a periodontist, ie a doctor who specializes in gum disease. 
7. Stop smoking 
To 100% kick the habit is difficult, and very difficult. But if you do not want to distance people around because the smell of your breath, better self-motivated to reduce smoking until later may stop completely. If you need a little help, buy nicotine patch is sold in pharmacies. This will help reduce the desire to smoke. 
8. Replace candied candy with sugar-free gum
After dinner, do not chew sweet because it will encourage the growth of bacteria in the mouth that have an impact on bad breath. Instead, you replace sugary candy with sugarless gum. According to one Dr. Leading Dental Health: "Chewing gum can provide a natural defense against plaque acids that cause tooth decay and bad breath by stimulating the production of more saliva".
9. braces should be cleaned regularly

It is special for you who use braces with a medical purpose, not to follow the trend. Including a brace braces on the teeth. This tool should be cleaned thoroughly each time brushing teeth, making sure that all the nooks and corners already cleaned. 
10. Face to face with the doctor
If you really want to get a healthy mouth and avoid all kinds of problems, within 6 months, take time to meet with a specialist teeth. Then ask your doctor also relevant to the spa on your teeth at least twice a month. 
11. Provide fresh fruits in the refrigerator 
If you are bored with chewing gum without flavor, try the consumption of fresh fruit has a sweet flavor, like an apple. Consumption of apples regularly can reduce bad breath. If you want to know more about the greatness of apples, some time ago already published an article about the benefits of apples, please read.

12. Drink green tea 

The name of green tea is growing increasingly popular name here. This is because there are many health benefits of green tea. Green tea acts as a protective gear from damage by removing plaque and kill bacteria on the teeth or mouth thanks aktir compounds called catechin in it. When bad breath, drink 2-3 cups of green tea a day.

13. Consumption of Vitamin C

 Many fruits are a source of vitamin C, the most famous example is the citrus fruit. Vitamin C will inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. Vitamin C also can get from supplements steeping.

14. Use natural materials 

Who does not want to cope with bad breath in a natural way that does not have side effects? Of course everyone wants. If you're one of them, here are a few choice natural ingredients deodorizing mouth.
As examples of fruits deodorizing other mouth is: 

Strawberries.Strawberries are a sour fruit (there are also sweet) that can be used to cope with bad breath. This is because there is the content of Vitamin C that is capable of killing bacteria or germs in the mouth. 

Lemon.Other fruits that can prevent unpleasant mouth odor is lemon. Sense of acid can neutralize the bacteria that cause bad breath.

     Thanks to the slightly harsh texture of this fruit makes pears into fruit eradication leftovers ataupn slip attached to the tooth surface.Guava.With a fresh breath, healthy mouth and white teeth clean. Your life will feel happy.

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