Thursday, April 30, 2015

Benefits of Beet

One of the properties of beetroot juice is to increase the supply of energy, other than that there are many other benefits of bits in a way made juice, salad, or soup. Some believe that beet juice is the best juice for health because it contains natural sugars, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamin B1, B2, C and P. Fill bits alkaline balance and concentration acid, so it is good for the balance of our body. Although carbohydrates, low in calories.

     Bit is also very helpful regulate the menstrual cycle and reduces menstrual problems, particularly irregular menstruation and red blood shortage due to very heavy menstrual. Bit is also beneficial for menopausal problems. Here are some benefits of the fruit bits:

Beet is a natural Viagra

Beet is a fruit that contains high broron and this relates to the production of human sex hormone. Efficacy of beet to increase sex drive. If your sex drive and your partner try to consume fruits decreased bit with your partner. Beet is very powerful in increasing sexual arousal men and women.

Lowers blood pressure, heart healthy, and blood vessels:

hypertensive patients drank 500 ml of beetroot juice every day. Has proven to be a real drink juice from beet root lowers hypertension. The content of nitrate is also found in green leafy vegetables, lowers blood pressure.

Anemia antidote

Colored bits of anger is associated with the color of human blood, so it is used to overcome the problem of anemia. Actually the overcoming anemia is iron content is high enough, which reactivate and regenerates red blood cells and oxygen supply are useful for healthy red blood cells.  

Digestive Problems

If you are experiencing digestive problems, nausea and pain, diarrhea, dysentery

Natural cleanser for the kidney and gall bladder

Combination of beet juice, carrot and cucumber, is one of the best ways to cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder of toxins that accumulate in the organs that filter. 

Beet help your mental health

In the beet contains betaine, the same substance used in the treatment of depression. It also contains tryptophan, which will make you more comfortable mind like eating chocolate that can change your mood. Fruit bits are also capable of lowering blood pressure.

Inhibit tumor cells and cancer cells

Fruit bits have antioxidants that can inhibit and destroy tumor cells and cancer.

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