Fruits and vegetables are
beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels among papaya, guava, apple,
orange, pineapple, star fruit, starfruit, kiwi, rambutan, mango,
cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, celery, peas, carrots, broccoli, avocado,
lemon, melon, green cabbage, pumpkin, bean sprouts, peppers, onions,
and garlic.
Here are some of the fruit and vegetable juice recipes that are beneficial for lowering cholesterol:
1. Kiwi Smoothie
- 150 grams of kiwi, peeled, cut into pieces
- 60 grams of sweet peas, cut into pieces
- 150 ml yogurt / plain yogurt
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 tbsp honey
- 3 ice cubes
How To Make:
kiwi chunks, peas, yogurt, lemon juice, honey and ice cubes into the
blender jar. Puree until smooth. Pour the juice into serving glasses.
Serve immediately.
2. Mango Juice
- 150 grams of mango, peeled, cut into pieces
- 100 grams of rambutan, take flesh
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 3 ice cubes
How To Make:
the pieces mango, rambutan, lemon juice, and chunks of ice into the
blender jar. Puree until smooth. Pour into serving glasses. Serve
For 1 cup
3. Spicy Juice
- 200 grams of papaya, peeled, cut into pieces
- 100 grams of pineapple, cut into pieces
- 50 grams of bean sprouts
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 tbsp tamarind water
- 3 ice cubes
How To Make:
the chunks of papaya, pineapple, bean sprouts, garlic, tamarind and
water into the blender jar. Puree until smooth. Pour into serving
glasses. Add a few ice cubes. Serve immediately.
For 1 cup
4. Avocado Banana Juice
- 60 grams of banana, peeled, cut into pieces
- 100 grams of avocado, take flesh
- 150 grams of cucumber, cut into pieces
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 tbsp honey
- 3 ice cubes
How To Make:
cucumber juice extractor, reserving the juice. Enter cucumber juice,
banana slices, honey, avocado, lime juice, and ice cubes into a blender.
Puree until smooth. Pour into serving glasses. Serve immediately.
To 1 cup.
A variety of diseases, ranging from mild flu disruption to deadly
diseases, such as cancer and heart disease can be prevented and
controlled with therapy fruit and vegetable juices. This book covers
every detail, on a variety of health problems and diseases that can be
controlled with juice therapy.
5. Bit Carrot Juice
1 bit
2-3 carrots
1 apple
1 cm ginger
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Ice cubes as needed
How to make:
Enter the beet, carrot, ginger and apple into a blender. Add a little water if necessary. Puree.
Strain the juice through a colander. Sprinkle black pepper on it. Stir with a spoon. Pour into glasses.
Add ice into glasses and serve cold.
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